Complementry Color Scheme
Complimentary colors are sets of colors which, when consolidated, counterbalance one another. This implies that when joined, they deliver a dim scale shading like white or black. When set by one another, they make the strongest contrast differentiation for those specific two colors. Because of this striking shading conflict, the term opposite colors is frequently viewed as more proper than " Complimentary colors ". Its is best interior company among interior designers kolkata.
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Considered, unofficially, the world's first and only 7-star hotel.The 28 double-story floors of the hotel accommodate 202 luxury suites with prices ranging from $1,000 to over $28,000 per night (for the Royal Suite). The hotel also features 8 restaurants, including bars and lounges, latest business, conferencing, fitness and recreational facilities. Carved in the midst of white beaches and the blue waters of the Arabian Gulf, the Burj Al Arab is a dream come true.